10 Effective Ways to Calm and Treat Your Stressed Pet Bird: Expert Tips and Techniques 

Stressed Pet Bird, Sometimes, you and your new bird pet would take some time for making adjustments. For example, the bird might not get used to the environmental changes when he moves in to your place, he might be stress by loud noises and other new pets in your house.

It would be even more distressing for him when some paint colour on your home walls does not suit his psychological balance.

How to cure a depressed bird? It would be the first question that would pop up in your mind. So, here we are with this post to give you some expert tips for doing so. We would also discuss some signs when you would instantly know the bird is stress and what to do about it. 

What Causes Stress in Birds?

Before we tell you about the signs of stress in birds, you must know what the reasons for Stressed Pet Bird are for your avian friend. We have told you some of them in the beginning. There are others as well, such as:

Indoor birds get upset with the noises of wild animals outside, like hawks or raccoons.

  • A change in their daily routine
  • A dark room
  • Covering a bird cage with a cloth or even changing his cage’s position between the light and dark room 
  • Malnutrition and insufficient diet
  • An upset stomach 
  • Loss of appetite due to illness
  • Humidity or change in normal temperature in the room
  • Overcrowding
  • Fear or threat from other animals or humans
  • Boredom 

Depressed Bird Symptoms

Before you take your pet bird to the veterinarian, you must know the symptoms of avian depression. This would help you gauge when the right time to take him for an official vet visit is. Some of the depressed bird symptoms are: 

Stress bars on birds are the lines that appear on a bird’s feather. They appear on the width side of the feathers that indicate either the bird is not getting enough nutrition or has been stress lately. These lines predominantly appear on their tail feathers. 

  • Alongside, fluffed-up feathers could be a similar indication for the same reason
  • Signs of stress in birds also include feather plucking 
  • The bird might be irritated due to skin or pest irritation 
  • Getting aggressive such as messing up with his own cage or bed
  • Also making a mess in his cage when he is bored, and ultimately Stressed Pet Bird 
  • Sharp vocalization is a prominent sign of stress in pet birds
  • Continuous head nodding 
  • Repeating a particular behaviour

How to Help a Stressed Bird?

How to help a stressed bird is the first question when you see any of these signs in your feathery friend. Some check-boxes that you need to tick instantly are checking his diet if he is getting full nutrition, clean water, noticing if there is a loud noise or fearful animals in his surrounding, and checking for improper temperatures. 

Other useful tips and techniques that would help cure a depressed bird are as below:

1: First and foremost, do not shout at your upset buddy. Speak to him with love and concern, and show him that you care about him.

2: Let him make some noise once or twice a day so that his aggression may be express via his voice. That would lessen his Stressed Pet Bird levels and protect him from being bored when he is down.

3: Move slowly in front of them and do not appear scared for not giving them a chance to attack you. 

4: Give some out-of-the-cage time. You must put a caring hand on them and appreciate them when they are in the mood of getting attention. 

5: Give him more toys to keep him busy and keep his attention away. Prevent him from feeling overwhelmed by his surroundings. For that, move his attention away from the environment and engage in some exercises.

6: Giving prescribed medicine to calm birds would also help. But note that they should be recommend by an expert vet, otherwise an anxious bird’s situation could get worse.

7: To comfort your bird, use positive reinforcements, like giving him a treat when he calms down after making extra noise. 

8: Positive reinforcements are offer to an upset bird when he completes a puzzle or color game and accomplishes it successfully, This eradicates his stress levels and prevents him from thinking about upsetting thoughts, It would help you watch your pet’s body language and notice if he is enjoying it, Follow his eyes and change in posture that would let you know if his emotions are changing positively and whether positive training exercises are helping.  

9: Keep a check on stress bars on your bird. Try to minimize those lines by feeding your bird the right diet, The right diet for your pet bird is the one with all the nutrition that he needs, For example, good sources of fiber and magnesium are whole grains, green vegetables including spinach, beans, peas, and even carrots! Similarly, foods with lycopene, just as tomatoes, help to give a protective shield against oxidative stress on cells.

10: Vitamin C has shown positive results in reducing stress in humans, It is still not validate whether it poses the same effect on birds, however, it is predicted that it could be useful. Vitamin D is pivotal for your bird’s physical and mental health, which is the easiest to get while letting the bird have some sun time. What’s more? Calcium is one of the best foods that lower stress, especially occurring during hormone season, thunderstorms, and sometimes for visits to the vet. 

You would be surprised to know besides its benefits for humans in reducing stress, chamomile tea is considered great for comforting a troubled bird. Depressed bird symptoms are alleviated as soon as calming effects of this tea help ease his stomach or ease the muscle spasms that might be causing stress for him. A feeling of relaxation is instigate by the tea’s antibacterial properties. Additional benefits for your feathered pet include treating skin disorders, biting, and feather-picking behaviours, screaming and fear at night, etc. Serve this tea to your pet bird in a water dish and spraying some of it on his feather would be a good idea to minimize signs of stress bars. 


Treating a stressed bird is critical to its general health and well-being. As pet owners, we must constantly be aware of signals of stress in our feathery companions and take appropriate measures to alleviate it. With the appropriate technique and care, you can make your bird feel more at ease, secure, and calm. Creating a stress-free atmosphere, ensuring sufficient nourishment and water, providing mental and physical stimulation, and getting professional aid if necessary are all beneficial strategies. Remember that a happy and stress-free bird is a healthy bird, and it is our responsibility to provide them with the best possible care.

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