Polite Paws: A Guide to Teaching Your Dog Manners with Effective Training Techniques

Teaching dog manners

It is never too late to teach a dog proper etiquette. Basic dog manners are conventional etiquettes that they must be trained for, whether in public or at home.

Pets must get along with people when they understand how to behave in a specific setting. Dealing with each other would therefore be a matter of compatibility.

In this post, we will teach you some basic dog manners so that you and your dog may bond and have fun by being each other’s best companions.

Training Puppies Is Easier Or Adult Dogs? 

There is always an impulse behaviour that either humans or animals need to control. A street dog would instantly start running after a cat or mouse that he sees on the road or would stand up immediately to grab a piece of chicken in some leftover boxes nearby. 

Your pet dog at home needs to know house manners, for example sitting properly and eating the food from his bowl without spilling it, not running towards the bowl and waiting patiently once the owner has finished pouring his food in his bowl, etc. 

Puppy manners training is easier when they live with an adult dog. A new born puppy, if he lives with his mother or father, can learn by looking at them. How they behave with their pet owners would be a great way to help in puppy manners training. 

Adolescent dogs find it harder to stop their impulse behaviors as compared to adult dogs. They need to be trained for a longer period of time. Fun and delicious things are irresistible to them. It could be due to the hormonal changes that occur when they are 6 months to 2.5-3 years of age. Teaching dog house manners at this stage with particular cues and words signals is important. 

How to Train Dogs about Manners

If you are new to having a dog as your pet, you must look for some tips that help you teach dog house manners. These manners would stay with him and the brain would function accordingly when he is even in public.

For example, if someone reaches out to him, you must say ‘good dog’ to keep him in a calm and relaxed mood. He should not feel terrified when someone new touches him or should not feel scared for his pet owner’s safety. 

How to teach dog manners with other dogs is a question that you certainly wonder when you take your dog for a walk in the park. Meeting other dogs in the park might make the dog loose as he would want to meet someone new of his kind.

It would be a problem if he does not come back when called and ignored your call cues as he could get himself into trouble. You need to teach the dog this cue at home so that warning signs could be managed when in public. 

You can also teach dog manners with other dogs while standing close to them. While loose-lead walking, keep the lead in your hand so that you are more in control while keeping your dog close to other dogs. You can talk to their owners and let your dog do his own talking with other new buddies. You can teach him signs if you want him to behave and keep ‘positivity’ alive by saying ‘good dog’ repeatedly. 

Training Exercises for Dog Manners

We have come up with some cool training exercises for teaching dog manners. Enlisted below are some tricks that would help you train dog about manners.  

Saying hello:

When you are taking the dog for a walk and your park friend approaches, ask your friend to stay there. You would walk towards your friend while watching your dog if he becomes too excited and starts to run towards the other person.

You would train dog about manners by taking two steps back and holding his leash. The dog would come back and know that this is not the right way to approach someone. You would ask him to stand on his four paws firmly and give a nice wiggle of his tail to show a ‘hello’. 

Teaching the dog to be patient:

Bring a toy or food bowl in front of the dog. The dog would come running towards it. When he comes close to you, hide the toy/food behind your back. Ask him to sit down patiently and stay there unless you put down the toy/food in front of him. Keep repeating the process of hiding behind your back until he learns to sit down patiently. You can then order him to ‘take it’ and the dog would then have the food/toy from your hand. 

Teaching dogs not to bite, not even when they are playing.

They should know that chewing on their toys is only allowed as that is one of their natural instincts. Otherwise, you should say ‘no’ to the dog whenever he tries to bite you while playing or someone in the park, and also if it is your sofa cushion. 

Jumping on people and chasing anyone, such as cats, vehicles, or people on the road is strictly prohibited.

Training dogs about manners that jumping and chasing are not liked by some people should start from home. If you have a 6-month-old baby, the dog should know he cannot jump on him. You should say ‘no’ whenever the dog tries to move or make an attempt toward the baby. Whenever the dog stays on his feet, you can give him a treat, pat on the head, and compliment him by saying ‘good dog’. 

Teach dogs to stop licking:

When you invite some guests at home and the dog becomes friendly with them, so much so that he starts licking them, the guest might not like it. Dogs lick excessively when they want attention, show their love towards you, or are stressed. You can give the dog a toy to play with, move away from him when he licks, or order him to stop directly.

If he does stop, you can pat his back, rub him gently and say ‘good dog’ again. You might also want to give him a treat to positively reinforce what he learned. For his stress management, take him for a walk or engage him in some outdoor exercises. 


Teaching dog house manners is an essential part of being a responsible pet owner. It can help you establish a strong bond with your dog, prevent behavioural problems, and make your dog a well-behaved member of your family and community.

There are many ways to teach him basic dog manners, but some of the most effective methods include positive reinforcement, consistency, and patience. Using positive reinforcement, such as treats or praise, can encourage your dog to repeat good behaviour. Consistency is also key, as it helps your dog learn what is expected of them in different situations. Patience is essential, as it can take time for your dog to learn and understand what is expected of them.

It is important to remember that teaching your dog manners is an ongoing process. You will need to continue reinforcing good behaviour and correcting bad behaviour throughout your dog’s life. However, with patience and persistence, you can help your dog become a well-behaved and enjoyable companion.

Teaching your dog manners is not only beneficial for your pet but also for you and your community. It requires consistent training, patience, and positive reinforcement to shape your dog’s behaviour. With time and effort, your dog can become a polite and well-behaved member of your family.

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