Effective Strategies for Treating Obesity in Cats: Tips from Veterinary Experts

Obesity in cats is dangerous. It prevents the cat from being active and more prone to catching diseases, hence, shortening its lifespan. Active cats tend to live 3 times more accidents on the Road than the obese cats, a fact backed by research studies.

What to do when the cat is obese? The very first thing you need to do is consult the vet. Moreover, other important knowledge about helping cat lose weight naturally is explained in this article today.

Read on to have a detailed overview. 

Assessing a Cat’s Weight and Health

Although the ideal weight for cats depends on their size and species but generally, an ideal weight for cats is approximately 10 pounds. The breed matters the most when it comes to weight management as a Siamese cat may be only 5 pounds while Maine Coon would be over 25 pounds sometimes, which is a healthy weight for these cats. 

Some of the common health problems among obese cats are urinary bladder stones and UTI (one of the most common diseases Obesity in cats), aesthetic problems, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, cancer, and adversely affected bones and joints. All of these problems are similar to those of human diseases, still, the life-threatening conditions in obese cats remain a concern for pet owners. 

Feeding Your Cat for Weight Loss

Again, going back to where we started – seeking the answer to “what to do when the cat is obese?” The importance of a balanced diet, for both humans and animals, cannot be ignored. If you feed your cat extra food, it would endanger her life by becoming an overweight cat. If you underfeed her, she would stay malnourished, which is again not a healthy sign. 

Fulfilling a cat’s nutritional needs is the responsibility of the pet owner. Certain nutrients are not made in their bodies on their own, just like the human body. They have to be given in specific amounts, which should be recommended by a vet so that the right diet goes in their stomach. A balanced diet each day would help the cat stay active and not become one of those overweight cats who just want to lie down all day. 

Canned diet food is the best form of food you can give your cat if your cat has gone obese. Stop offering her treats all day or keeping all types of food in front of her all day. Restrict her timing of food intake and only give her specified meals. Both dry and wet food would help in this regard as both forms are available in the diet.

 Keep in mind, fussy cat eaters prefer wet food over dry food, so you should be watchful of your cat’s dietary habits. Besides, portion control and Consult the vet before starting her diet at home. 

Encouraging Exercise and Activity

No one can deny the significance of exercise and physical activity in human and pets’ lives. Exercise and play both inside and outside the home have several benefits, such as developing healthy habits and staying close to the owner by spending time with your pet.

By positively channeling the cat’s playfulness rather than allowing her to destroy furniture, it would be better to keep her engaged in active and healthy exercises. It goes without saying that it has an immense health advantage and keeps them from becoming overweight. 

Managing Cat’s Environment

Managing a cat’s environment is similar to what we have discussed in the previous section, keeping the cat active with exercises and physical stimulations. If you want to help your Obesity in cats lose weight naturally, you should keep her surroundings more stimulating by adding more interactive toys, food puzzles, and robotic mice to chase them away all around the house. 

Do not ignore the importance of scratch toys that not only help to save your furniture but helps your sweet cat in losing weight naturally by addressing her behavioral problems, controlling her boredom, avoiding stress, and of course, easy prevention from obesity. 

Addressing Behavioral and Medical Issues

If you are thinking “my cat is overweight and always hungry” then you should keep a strict check on her calorie intake. By consulting the cat’s current weight with its vet, the doctor would be able to guide you on how many calories it should take daily.

Also, if the cat is overweight and always hungry, you should be mindful that not only she would soon fall prey to several diseases, as told earlier, but also become bored from the ease of eating. It is a serious behavioral issue that needs an instant check!

There are many medical reasons that can contribute to cat obesity, such as pregnancy, fluid retention, a few medications that might affect their body, arthritis that keeps them from staying active, and hypothyroidism. Certainly, you would be unaware of most of these medical conditions, which only ask for quick expert advice from vets. 

CAUTION! If your cat is overweight but not overeating, then this is high time you get her checked for a possible medical condition. Timely diagnosis of your cat and getting her treated would help her gain her ideal weight back soon.

Two more reasons could also exist: you are not taking notice but the cat might be exposed to excess food and is not having an active routine that might lack exercise. A combination of both reasons could be lethal for your cat’s health, hence, you should not ignore if your cat is overweight but not overeating and get immediate help after two to three days maximum. 


Obese cats tend to fall victim to detrimental health effects and lowered quality of life. It is important for cat owners to monitor their cats’ diet and exercise routine, as well as consult with their veterinarian about the appropriate caloric intake for their pets.

Making small changes, such as portion control and increased physical activity, can go a long way in preventing and treating obesity in cats. Ultimately, by taking proactive steps to manage their cats’ weight, owners can help ensure that their feline companions lead happy, healthy lives.

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