Fly High with Pet Insurance for Birds: Protecting Your Feathered Friend’s Health and Your Wallet

Pet Insurance for Birds

People have snakes, iguanas, and tortoises as pets. Several exotic creatures raised as pets are illegally traded. When it comes to their captivation and treatment, legality is a major concern.

Pet insurance is the ultimate method to ensure that whomever owns them will take good care of them. It is amazing to realize that birds are consider exotic pets too!

Birds are classified as “exotic pets” since cats and dogs are the most common pets owned by the majority of Americans. Insurance firm know that charging policies for cats and dogs is more profitable than the bird insurance.

In this post, we would explain all the relevant information regarding pet insurance for birds, also known as exotic pet insurance

Is It Worth Investing In Pet Insurance? 

Some birds act like ‘clodhoppers’. You may wonder what that is. It is a clumsy and awkward person. Birds might be accident-prone and do not know what things to touch around the house and what to avoid. 

Taking such birds frequently to a vet might be expensive. To ensure that pets stay safe, especially when they are exotic, and live a long healthy life, insurance is mandatory. 

Birds live longer than other common pets. Birds are generally healthier than any other animals. You never know they can live decades longer. Hence, if they become sick, there might be extra costs for looking after them. Furthermore, vets also need to find bird specialists for looking into this matter because a majority of the vets look at dog and cat patients, and know little about birds. 

Getting pet insurance for birds seems to be a feasible idea when there are so many chances for anything going wrong with them in such a long life span. You would not face a challenge where you would need to choose between your expenses and your beloved bird. Emergencies are inevitable and so does your love for your pet.   

What Does Pet Insurance Cover? 

How much is exotic pet insurance depends on what facilities for bird insurance you want coverage for. Traditionally, exotic pet insurance involves coverage for common illnesses, accidental injuries, hereditary issues chronic diseases, hospitalization charges, veterinarian fees, lab assistance, and extra charges for serious illnesses. 

The most renowned avian and pet insurance companies in the US give you coverage for all of these facilities including dental work, vaccines, sprays, emergency services, X-rays, prescriptions, lab tests, and medicine purchases, etc. 

It is also good to know that these insurance firms give birds coverage for their medical conditions like skin allergies, skin infections, diarrhea, vomiting or gastritis, tumors, bladder issues, and sometimes hypothyroidism. The routine tests of such conditions are included in bird insurance, which makes it necessary for you to know what specific conditions your bird is suffering from.

After having full knowledge about your bird, you would be in a better position to ask for exotic pet insurance for particular conditions. The rates, charges, and annual premiums would then be decided based on how large you want the coverage to be. 

How Much Does Pet Insurance Cost?

Nationwide pet health insurance is the largest insurance-providing firm for pets in the United States. Nationwide bird insurance has revised terms and conditions for pet insurance for birds. Avian and exotic pet insurance coverage reimburses almost 90 percent of the medical expenses and veterinarian visits for your pets. These terms apply to more than 50 states in the US for all dogs, cats, and exotic pets including birds. Certain categories for insurance are cite to clarify what conditions, accidents, and illnesses would cover these expenses. 

How much is exotic pet insurance? This is the primary question that pet owners of birds would ask. In the United States, the official charges for exotic pet insurance are $10 to $100. Also, Nationwide bird insurance charges $15.75 since it offers a large variety of insurance. 

Normally, it also depends on what kind of exotic animals or birds you are going to have insurance for. Your location, the percentage of reimbursement, wellness and illness condition that you want to cover in your bird insurance plan, pet’s age, breed, and add-ons are all counted in standard pet insurance. 

How You Would Select Pet Insurance And What You Should Look For?

You should keep in mind some notable points when you are on the hunt for a perfect bird insurance coverage plan.

  • The first thing that comes to your mind is the past record of the avian and exotic pet insurance company. The insurance facilities it offers and at what premium price it is offering, of course, after making comparisons with market premium prices, would give a comprehensive overview of the insurance company.
  • The referrals and recommendations from the existing pet owners who took policies from the same insurance company would also add to the strength of the firm’s positive word of mouth- a key aspect for finalizing your options. 
  • You should consider your pet’s age and peculiar health condition. It is said so because insurance companies might charge higher for these two factors. Some companies do not give a policy if the bird is aging or has a peculiar health condition. 
  • It becomes a matter of preference when you see these two aspects as much important as your love for your pet bird. You would look for companies who offer policy coverage for these factors too and the comprehensive premium charges when compared to other lower market premiums in the same category. 
  • Find out details about how much time the documentation would take after you have contacted the insurance firm. Some companies might start the documentation quite later than expected and if in between, an emergency arises, jumping to reimbursements would get a problem. 


Pets insurance can be a valuable investment for bird owners. Birds are often considered fragile animals, and they are susceptible to a range of illnesses and injuries that can require expensive medical treatments. By purchasing pet insurance for their birds, owners can provide peace of mind knowing that they will be able to afford the necessary veterinary care for their feathered friends without breaking the bank.

When choosing a pet insurance plan for a bird, it is important to carefully consider the coverage options, deductibles, and exclusions of each policy. Owners should also be aware of the waiting periods for coverage to begin, and any limitations on pre-existing conditions.

Ultimately, pets insurance can help bird owners prepare for unexpected veterinary costs

and ensure that their feathered companions receive the best care possible.

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