Making the Switch: How to Transition Your Cat to a New Food Brand Safely and Successfully

How to transition cat to new wet food

Pet owners of cats should know that kittens and adult cats have different nutritional needs. The adult cat food would not fulfill the nutritional requirements of kittens. The dietary value of both types is diverse.

As a cat owner, you must first know the difference between the two and then decide whether helping your cat make a switch to new food brand is necessary. How successfully you can conduct the procedure, all will be told in our post here today. 

Why Switching To New Cat Food Is Necessary? 

As articulated earlier, kittens have different dietary needs as compared to adult cats. Kittens need more fat, protein, and calories while adult cat food has lower quantities of calories in order to avoid obesity. The quantity of vitamins and minerals is fix just to support a healthy aging process for adult cats.  

A cat’s food has three major components of nutrition: protein, fat, and calorie. At each stage of a cat’s growth, each of the nutrition types needs to be balanced for gaining healthy weight and conducting an active cat lifestyle. Once the cat reaches adulthood, more chances are that it would become lazy and need fewer calories. The density of selected cat food matters the most as it should be less sugary and low in fat. It would help the cat stay slim and active as they grow old. 

Weaning occurs when kittens are 4-6 weeks old. A transition to cat food follows, It would depend on the kitten’s preference whether it likes dry or wet food.

The kitten should be fed both dry and wet food, It would help the kitten to explore new textures and flavors. It would support her adventurous nature and satisfy her same natural instincts. However, it is prioritized that you consult the cat’s vet for accurate nutrition for your cat, especially when she is switching to new cat food after being an adult cat. 

It is suitable to change your cat’s food and switch him from one brand to another gradually after it has reached 80-90% of his full size. It is highly dependent on the cat breed as most of the breeds reach their full adulthood before their first birthday!

How Long Does It Take For a Cat to Adjust To New Food?

Generally, it takes 7-10 days for a cat to adjust to new food. The cat needs time to adjust to new textures and flavors which requires a slow transition. The gradual transition is good for the cat’s tummy as its digestive system would respond accordingly. Avoiding an upset tummy is easy in this way which would necessitate a patient attitude for the pet owners. 

Switching cat food too quickly is risky for the cat. The tummy is not able to digest the newly changed nutrients, such as when the cat needs to control weight and has to adjust to a sudden change of diet. The consumption of inappropriate food or a brand thatis not properly consulted by the veterinarian, the cat can experience issues. A sudden switch in cat food usually results in diarrhea and vomiting in cats.

Can I Feed My Cat Different Brands Of Food?

As long as cats are fed a variety of food types that meet their nutritional diet needs, it is good to feed them different brands of food. But it is necessary that each cat brand food must suit their tummy. From dry kibble food, which has small dried pieces of meat, grains, and fruits, and wet food that has different flavors, all could be fed without trouble. It would help catering their food sensitivities with a well-balanced diet. 

It is also beneficial to feed cats different brands of food because when one brand stops manufacturing or is short in the market due to some reason, the cat would easily adjust to a new brand. 

How to Transition Cat to New Wet Food

Several reasons would force you to transition a cat to new food brand or wet food. If you have made an outdoor cat your pet. you would keep her indoors and feed her cat food, both dry and wet. Outdoor cats eat whatever they like, both dry and wet. However, the age and weight of the cat would also matter.

Pet cats, when transforming from kittens to adult cats, have different food requirements to maintain healthy body weight. For their ideal body conditions, transitioning the cat to new wet food would be a task. 

Here are some steps and day-to-day guides that would help you fulfill this responsibility easily. 

  • As experts have stated that it takes cats 7-10 days to adjust to new cat food, particularly a slow transition period that is essential for a gradual stomach-setting-duration and to avoid upset tummy, add 3/4 of the current food of the cat with 1/4 of the new cat food. This is done for the first two days.
  • For the third and fourth days, serve half of the current food and half of the new food.
  • For the fifth to seventh days of the week, add 3/4 portion of the new food and 1/4 portion of the old cat food. 
  • For the final two days and ongoing from there, serve only the new food. It would depict a complete switch from dry to wet cat food. 


Switching cat food too quickly or from dry to wet food should be done gradually to minimize gastric upset or pain. Begin by combining tiny amounts of the new and old foods, gradually increasing the quantity of the new while lowering the amount of the old. During the transition time, it is critical to monitor your cat’s behavior and health and to visit a veterinarian if there are any concerns. By taking the time to properly adjust your cat’s food. you can guarantee that your feline companion has a smooth and healthy transition to their new diet.

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