Preventing Dental Diseases in Dogs: How to Find the Right Vet for Your Furry Friend’s Oral Health

Dental Diseases In Dogs

Have you ever seen your dog drooling profusely and whimpering in pain? You get closer to him to see what the problem is and you feel his bad breath. All these are some of the signs that your dog might be having dental health problems.

You need to meet an expert veterinarian instantly. In this post, we would guide you on why dental diseases in dogs are of great concern and that you should be on the lookout for them. Also, the post would be beneficial for you in finding the right vet for your furry friend on time. 

Most Common Dental Diseases in Dogs

Periodontal disease and fractured teeth are the most frequent dental diseases in dogs, Periodontal disease affects more than 80% of dogs over the age of three.

Periodontal disease in dogs 

Let us first define periodontal disease. It is caused by bacterial infection in the gums, but the tissues around the tooth become very sensitive. When left untreated, it is one of the most severe kinds of gingivitis. The infection spreads all around the tooth and its gums, causing significant pain in the dog.

This dental disease in dogs has symptoms like gum inflammation, discolored or brown teeth, bleeding in gums, bad breath, weight loss due to loss of appetite and severe pain in the tooth, extreme saliva, and drooling.

The tooth socket does not remain free of this infection, which is a highly alarming situation when you need to visit the vet. You must find a vet that must know how to prevent further upsetting circumstances for you and your pet dog as a loose tooth would be the last thing that your pet would want. 

Fractured tooth in dogs 

Fractured teeth in dogs can happen due to accidents or chewing on hard objects at home that are non-bending. The most commonly fractured teeth observed in dogs are canine and large upper pointy teeth that are found in the back of the mouth. 

This dental disease in dogs has symptoms like extreme drooling and saliva with blood, loss of appetite due to trouble in eating, uneasy chewing on different objects, and that too, only on one side of the mouth, and giving abnormal reactions when his mouth is touched. 

Various classifications of dogs’ fractured teeth are mentioned by the vets. They include root fractures, uncomplicated and complicated crown fractures, complicated crown root fractures, and enamel fractures. 

The stage and intensity of the dog’s fractured tooth are observed carefully by the vet to decide about the right treatment. The most common form of treatment is providing the dog’s tooth with a medicated dressing and allowing the pulp to heal over time. Other methods are explained in the next sections. 

How Long Can Dogs Live with Dental Disease

Circulation of bacteria is high when they are living in your dog’s mouth. They get to his stomach with the food that he eats. Inflammatory conditions like endocarditis could appear as well, worsening the dog’s health to the next level. 

Your canine friend can live up to two years if the problem remains untreated during all this time. All the while, risks of congestive heart failure persist, which is a steadily fatal illness. 

How Do Vets Treat Dental Diseases In Dogs

Finding the right vet for this purpose would solve half of the problem. The two most common diseases, periodontal disease, and fractured tooth need surgeries that require a professional veterinarian.

You must know about his years of experience in the field along with the number of surgeries he has performed successfully. Also, it would be a great addition if you have referrals for the vet surgeon.

Treatment of periodontal disease 

Dog teeth problem treatment needs a qualified vet who knows certain dog dental disease stages. Periodontal disease is treated with careful cleaning of the infected tooth, both above and below the gums.

Before the treatment starts, the vet needs to know the severity of the problem. He would take X-rays and inform the pet owner of the extent to which the bone is affected.

Extractions are often a part of dog teeth problem treatment, especially for periodontal disease. Vets also classify the reason that caused a huge problem, where tooth crowding and relevant diseases become the main contributors. 

Sometimes, it might need surgery if the problem has reached a complex stage. The dog needs anesthesia so that extreme pain does not trigger the animal which would make the treatment even harder. 

Treatment of fractured tooth 

Keeping the treatment of a dog’s fractured tooth pain-free, there could be two solutions: root canal operation and extraction. It is similar to tooth fracture conditions in humans. 

Vets are aware that if the treatment equipment is hygienic, the treatment would be successful. If the germs still remain on the dog’s fractured tooth, the gums would swell again and long-term effects would be adverse.  

Again, the vet should be well-informed about the dog’s dental disease stages so that the missing tooth.

Tooth canal treatment phases, and how much crown is needed for catering to the missing tooth should be prescribed to the pet owner accordingly. 

For smaller dogs, vital pulp therapy would be beneficial. Dogs under 18 months of age would stay healthy if vets recommend pulp therapy for them. For older dogs, the removal of a fractured tooth is the only solution. The teeth are already old and if greater plaque or infection has spread around the gum, the healing would be difficult. 

Prevention after the treatment

After the treatment has been done, you need to take extra care for carrying on with the dog’s dental routine at home. You must be careful with his oral hygiene with daily tooth brushing and changes in diet. Vets usually recommend these steps to avoid plaque with the add-on of oral rinses daily. 

What is more important is keeping an eye on your dog’s daily habits. You should keep a strict check on what toys he chews on so that further prevention of fracturing more teeth is ensured.

Take away all hard toys and throw toys that are not easily chewable for him. You can even ask your vet for recommended toys that would not aggravate the accumulation of plaque or tartar when chewed on. 


Dental diseases in dogs are widespread and, if left untreated, can cause substantial pain and suffering, as well as potentially major health consequences. Frequent dental check-ups and cleanings are essential for proper oral hygiene and the prevention of dental disease.

Vets play an important role in the prevention and dog teeth problems treatment, employing a range of methods including as scaling, polishing, extractions, and, when necessary, antibiotics.

Pet owners may also help prevent dental illness in their dogs by giving regular dental care at home.

Such as cleaning their teeth, providing dental-friendly chews and toys, and eating a balanced diet. Ultimately, early identification and treatment of dental problems are critical to a dog’s general health and happiness.

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